What is Lindy in the Park anyway?
The August !0 contribution explain a lot about LITP, but here are some more crucial details. It’s not an exclusive club. It’s a free public event consisting of dancers willing to dance on concrete in exchange for the joy of showing off before strangers in the gorgeous setting of Golden Gate Park. This is such a great idea that it has inspired other Lindy in the Park events in various parks all over the world, but we were the first! If you want to join us, you can find directions on www.lindyinthepark.com. You know we were the first to have gotten that URL! Here’s my trick for spinning on concrete: I went to Tap Plastics ( a favorite haunt of my art school days) and told the clerk that I wanted a kind of plastic that I could glue to the soles of a pair of shoes that would let me dance on a sidewalk without sticking to it. I walked off with a big sheet of plastic and a tube of barge cement. I sacrificed a pair of shoes to LITP and slapped a piece of the stuff on the soles. As it wears out, I just add another piece. The first sheet of plastic, about $10 worth, lasted me about 9 years. When I finally used it up and went back I found the same piece costs about $40 now. Plastic is a petroleum product. Share it with a friend!