Tuesday, January 29, 2008

wedding dance question

I am frequently asked if I can choreograph a routine for a first dance for a wedding. I want to talk about that here because I answer it so often. Of course, I CAN choreograph a routine, but I advise against it. Here’s why. A choreographed routine requires strict memorization as each step is designed to fit a particular place in the music. If the leader makes a mistake, the follower has to decide whether to follow the routine or follow her partner and it makes for a difficult recovery. It takes a long time to perfect, is more expensive, and after it’s over, all you’ve learned is how to do that one routine to that one song. I believe a much better plan is to learn to lead and follow, and learn enough moves to make your dance interesting. If the music has particular places that are more dramatic, you can learn a move that you can do in those places. A dramatic entrance and flashy dip at the end give it a polished look. The follower always follows her partner, and recovering gracefully from mistakes is easy and takes a lot of pressure off. After it’s all over, you’ve learned how to dance, to any music that fits the dance you’ve learned, and you can use your hard earned lessons to have fun on the dance floor as you continue your life together. I’ve choreographed routines for contests and performances, but for weddings, a relaxed dance that connects you to your partner with love and joy is a much better choice.


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