Celebrity status in Colorado
Just returned from my first trip to Colorado for a gig with TinaMania, the show in which I dance professionally. I didn't get to see much of Colorado, but the Denver airport is pretty spectacular. Our gig was in Fort Collins, about an hour's drive from the airport. This was a gig for the city of Fort Collins, a benefit for a senior center I believe. We were the only act, so we did two 45 minute sets and the audience LOVED us. Many of them asked us to sign their posters. This was the first time anyone has asked for my autograph and it was fun. Takesia (the other back up dancer), and I both had the same response when we were asked. You want MY autograph? Our first thought was that somehow they had mistaken us for Kiesha (Tina Turner) although that would be virtually impossible if we'd had time to think about it. The audience was wonderful, dispite the fact that we were a half an hour late and stunned by the effects of the altitude. We'd been warned, but still found ourselves gasping for air when we started working hard. We were told, and we believe it, drink a lot of water in high altitudes if you're planning on exerting yourself!
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