What makes a good leader?
I’ve addressed this question before but a recent conversation brought it to mind again. A woman asked an accomplished dancer for a dance. A very flashy and entertaining dancer, more fun to watch than to dance with some have said, the man paused before saying, “I don’t know. It’s a pretty fast song. I’m not sure if you could keep up with me.” Recovering quickly from the shock of such a rude reply, she countered with “Tell you what. If I fall down, you can just step over me and keep right on going.” To his credit, the chagrinned dancer has since asked her repeatedly to dance, but the point is this. A good leader’s focus is on his partner, not on himself and his own fancy moves. He accesses the skill level of his partner and dances accordingly. No matter how skilled he is, if he’s not dancing with his partner, he’s not a good leader. He may as well dance by himself.
Labels: dance dancer partner leader